One of the first three of a series of developments delivered in Doncaster, the Denaby Springwell Centre has been specially designed to provide improved services to cater for the multiple and complex health and social needs of patients in this ex-mining community.
Size: 1314 m2
Capital Value: £1.96m
PC Date: October 2006
An extensive range of primary care services including:
- GP Practice – Denaby Medical Practice
- District nursing
- Health visiting
- Therapy services including physiotherapy, dietetics, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy
- Counselling
- Podiatry and chiropody
- Midwifery & baby clinic
- Health promotion
- Sexual health
- School nursing
- Library
- Internet access
- Diagnostic suite (out patients) and other secondary care out patient sessions Internet self-help suite
- voluntary sector meeting room space
- Pharmacy – Weldricks
At the time of opening, Jayne Brown, Chief Executive of Doncaster Primary Care Trust, said: “We consulted widely with the residents of Denaby to ask them what kind of services they would like to see in the building and we’ve done our best to meet their expectations. This is a key development for the village, an opportunity for the NHS and Doncaster Council to bring more services closer to where people live and a big step forward in supporting the regeneration of the village.”